Food, Social


February 14, 2017

I can be really hard to deal with sometimes. I can be super bossy, rude and impatient.

I sometimes give poor instructions and then get upset when people don’t understand what I’m talking about. And when I say people…I’m mostly talking about my dear husband Victor. Continue Reading…

Social, Travel

My First Ottawa Winterlude

February 8, 2017

As a former weather broadcaster I know a lot about Canadian geography. I randomly know where Upsala and Melita are!  I also got quite familiar with popular attractions or activities in various Canadian cities. Not because I’d been there…but because I’m a good study. Continue Reading…



December 27, 2016

So I’ve been celebrating all the personal gains I’ve made on my journey of self discovery…what I haven’t mentioned are the gains I’ve accrued on my waistline! Continue Reading…