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Beauty, Video

Back To Work Beauty Routine Refresh

September 8, 2020
back to work beauty

Most of our regular beauty routines have been on pause for quite some time. But now that September is here and many of us are going back to work or back to a more regular routine…albeit very different. We might need to consider a little beauty refresh.

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Beauty, Culture, Guide, Uncategorized

How to use your regular makeup for Halloween

October 29, 2018

Every year I say I’m gonna do something for Halloween but it never happens. Growing up in the Caribbean we never trick or treated or dressed up or anything, so it’s just not in me. Also I think it’s too close to my birthday, so I’m always more focused on what I’ll do for my bday!

If you’re like me and you don’t really go all out for Halloween but you still want to do a little something. I have some suggestions for you! Continue Reading…

Beauty, How-To

My Fave Matte Foundation

April 24, 2018
matte foundation

I’ve got an oily T-zone and I never remember to touch up my makeup. Unfortunately that combo often means I’m constantly oily. At the moment I’m obsessed Kat Von D’s Lock it  foundation and the pressed powder. Here’s why I’m loving it…


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