Monthly Archives

September 2020

Beauty, Video

Back To Work Beauty Routine Refresh

September 8, 2020
back to work beauty

Most of our regular beauty routines have been on pause for quite some time. But now that September is here and many of us are going back to work or back to a more regular routine…albeit very different. We might need to consider a little beauty refresh.

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Beauty, Culture, Video, Wellness


September 8, 2020
fenty skin review

Fenty Skin officially launched last month with 3 multitasking products that are easy to use and value-packed with skincare benefits. Known together as the Fenty Skin Start’rs, these 3 products comprise Rihanna’s real-life routine for getting healthy, glowing skin in just a few simple steps. I was excited to try the new products. I did an honest first impression review.

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Beauty, Culture

I’d like to work with more Black brands!

September 2, 2020
Black brands

We’re in the midst of what many are calling a reckoning. A Black revolution if you will. The racial injustices and instances of systemic racism that Black people have been crying out about for decades is finally being heard. We’ve seen some swift changes of late…some genuine, some not. But either way progress is finally starting to happen in some areas.

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September 2, 2020

After a long hiatus from blogging, I’m back with exciting news. If you follow me on social media, you already know. But I wanted to make things official here as well. We’re having a babehhhhh…due in November.

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