Monthly Archives

November 2018

Beauty, Empowerment, Social

CBC Life Article On Next Steps For Beauty Companies re: Inclusion etc

November 26, 2018
beauty inclusion

Didn’t think I would love writing for CBC Life as much as I do. I get to write about products that I love and actually use.I thoroughly enjoy it. Plus as an actor, writing always the flexibility I need to be available for auditions and filming. So it’s a win win. For the most part I do beauty or style round ups, but I felt moved to delve deeper into the beauty realm focusing on a topic that’s important to me.  Continue Reading…

Beauty, Fashion

Cozy Afternoon In My Teddy Coat

November 26, 2018
teddy coat

I was in H&M earlier this month picking up some stuff. I came across this teddy coat( or faux fur coat) and I couldn’t stop touching it. I passed my hand over it, inspected it for a bit, then moved on. Then I came back to the same coat again, felt it up again, then lingered. That time an elderly lady passed by and whispered ” If I was your age I would get it!” So I did lol. Continue Reading…

Fashion, Lifestyle

You com-pleat me!

November 15, 2018
striped pleated skirt

When I wore this outfit on Monday it was probably the last day I could get away with exposed skin. The real cold is coming now for us in Canada. But the good thing about this skirt is that I could also wear it with stockings and some black suede boots. Check out the outfit details below. Continue Reading…

Beauty, Guide, Lifestyle

Moisturizing Foundations For Dry Skin

November 7, 2018
moisturizing foundations

In my latest article for CBC Life I talk about the best moisturizing foundations for dry skin. I have combination skin, my cheeks are notoriously dry. I absolutely hate it when my foundation gets patchy, especially in the hollow of my cheeks, and flakes off. I put together a list of the best foundations to use if you have dry skin.  Continue Reading…