Beauty, Culture, Guide, Uncategorized

How to use your regular makeup for Halloween

October 29, 2018

Every year I say I’m gonna do something for Halloween but it never happens. Growing up in the Caribbean we never trick or treated or dressed up or anything, so it’s just not in me. Also I think it’s too close to my birthday, so I’m always more focused on what I’ll do for my bday!

If you’re like me and you don’t really go all out for Halloween but you still want to do a little something. I have some suggestions for you!

Here are some easy pop culture inspired Halloween costume ideas with makeup you probably already have in your makeup bag. I’m just talking about the key makeup ideas here, the rest of the costume is up to you!

1.Dora Milaje


Dust some Blue eye shadow behind your top and lashes


Deep red lip


2.Eleven…specifically punk rock Eleven from Stranger Things


Lots of Smudge liner

A little hair gel


3.Domino from Dead Pool

Zazie Beetz, as Domino, a lucky superhero, is brazen and right for "Deadpool 2," Dwight Brown says. (20th Century Fox)

White eye shadow over the left eye

Inner and outer Black liner for both eyes

A deep lip plum or burgundy lip



4.Cheryl Blossom from Riverdale


Bold Cherry Red lip

Fluttery False eye lashes

Blush that mimics pinched cheeks


Thanks for reading!


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